Blue River

The best way to ensure a successful fly fishing trip is to stay up to date on the current conditions of the Blue River. This is your resource to learn more about current conditions on the Blue River and where anglers are reporting success during their trips.
The Blue River offers plenty of angling opportunities for Spring fishing. Anglers are finding success with ,mysis pattern, red larva and mayfly nymphs. However, as of lately, the trout numbers have been down, but the river is clear and over the next couple weeks there should be hatches of midges to help with trout catches. Flows are just a bit above average from snow pack, and the water is extremely cold, so the best time for trout fishing is middle of the day when the temperatures rise.
UPDATED: 08/18/2021
SUMMER DETAILS: The Blue River below Dillon is at the lowest water level we have seen all season. With warmer weather and low levels, make sure to check water temperatures before you go out.
Spring has its ups and downs on the Blue River. You can have some great days catching trout with dry flies on warmer days. In the mid morning and afternoon the fish tend to be a little more active. Spring on the blue is known for larger and more colorful fish, so give it a shot and enjoy the warmer weather.
How to Match a Hatch and Catch Fish in Colorado this Spring 2021
The Blue RIver can get a little more crowded in the late summer. The best stretch is the tail water below Lake Dillon. In the summer, the early risers tend to have better luck making the large trout catches. Mysis shrimp hatches are popular and imitation flies are the top choice for summer fly fishers.
What to Expect on a Summer Guided Walk and Wade Fly Fishing Trip
The river slows down, the crowds head out and the Blue becomes a very tranquil spot to fly fish in the fall. Fishing just below the Dillon dam and finding eddies while wading will be your best bet for catches. Fall on the Blue River is one of the most beautiful places to spend fly fishing.